REST - Create and list user accounts

Creating a new account


PUT /v2/accounts

Create a new user account.

Contents of the query

    "email": "$email",
    "first_name": "$first_name", 
    "last_name": "$last_name", 
    "phone": "$phone",
    "password": "$password"

Parameter description

  • $email (string) - e-mail address of the account owner
  • $first_name (string) - name of the account owner
  • $last_name (string) - lastname of the account owner
  • $phone (string) - phone number of the account owner
  • $password (string) - password for created account



Returned information

  • $user_id (string) - UUID of the account owner
  • $user_state (string) - user account creation status, if the account creation is completed, the value of this field will take the value created
  • $user_name (string) - account owner name
  • $user_email (string) - account owner name e-mail
  • $user_phone (string) - account owner phone number
  • $user_active (bool) - information whether the account is active
  • $s3_api_key (string) - key for S3 connection
  • $s3_secret_key (string) - secret for S3 connection
  • $swift_api_key (string) - key for Swift connection
  • $swift_secret_key (string) - secret for Swift connection
  • $api_key (string) - API key
  • $api_secret_key (string) - API secret
  • $ssh_id (int) - SSH key ID
  • $ssh_name (string) - SSH key name
  • $ssh_fingerprint (string) - SSH key fingerprint

Listing user accounts


GET /v2/accounts?limit=$limit&offset=$offset

Listing of user accounts with possible limit setting.

Parameter description

  • $limit (int) - maximum number of records returned
  • $offset (int) - the record number from which the return of information will be started